In the British Armed Services, jankers is formal punishment, as opposed to the casual award of tasks for minor infringements. To be "on jankers" is to have been charged by a non-commissioned officer or commissioned officer, to have had the details of the charge entered into a charge sheet (Army Form No. 252, - known to soldiers as a 'fizzer' - in the British Army), to have appeared before the Company Commander, and to have been given the punishment, 'Confined to Barracks' for a specified interval.[1][2][3][4]
"Jankers" was a familiar part of Regular and National Service. The term is also used in civilian life and journalism to mean the punishment of minor infringements by the imposition of tedious duties. BBC comedies, such as It Ain't Half Hot Mum used the term, with the first ever episode "Meet the Gang" seeing Gunner Graham put on "jankers" (painting stones) by the Sergeant Major[5], as have memoirs of life in the armed services.[6] [7]
Whilst under punishment - jankers - the soldier is subjected to several inspections each day in diferent forms of dress starting with working clothes fatigues half an hour after reveille, where he parades outside the guardhouse for inspection by the orderly officer, who is the guard sergeant. After inspection, the condemned man is sent to perform a variety of tasks, not always menial, but often of that type, following which he can enjoy his breakfast.
After lunch, the man reports again to the guardroom for inspection, and is then assigned work until shortly before he must attend the afternoon's muster parade. After tea, he parades again at the guardhouse, this time in battledress and in battle order, where he is rigourously inspected. Any criticism of his turnout or equipment can result in another 'charge' or 'fizzer.' The final parade of the day is at 22.00 hours, and in Full Service Marching Order. FSMO, as it is referred to, is best battledress, best boots, sharply and cleanly turned out, and with every opiece of equipment provided by the Army, including large back pack, small front pack, two front ammunition pouches, and the straps and belts called 'webbing' consisting of a belt, gaiters, pack straps, and packs, blancoed or boot polished, the brasses highly burnished, and smartly maintaining a soldierly attitude at all times. After insopection, the soldier can then return to barracks, prepare his kit for tomorrow's parades, and then get some sleep and rest. The whole punishment keeps the man very busy, rushing about, miserable, and vowing never to do any more Jankers. Sometimes they are successful, but some time they are not and so subject themselves to the discomfort of a longer stretch of Jankers.
catatan: masa kedet fsmo amat popular sebagai punishment show parade malam atau lari pusing-pusing mana yang patut lepas lunch. fsmo mesti dengan topi besi dan supaya lebih mencabar pakai kasut kawad.