The Original 1939-1945 Second World War
MK111 Prismatic Compass
A compass so highly regarded that it was classified as being attractive and valuable and therefore carries a special stores reference number G1098. If the compass was lost it could not be "written off" but would incur a unit enquiry.
We are offering our remaining stock of originally issued 1939-1945 Second World War Prismatic compasses for sale to commemorate the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein. Each compass has its original "mother of pearl" (no longer available on modern compasses because of conservation reasons) compass card which was hand engraved by ladies on a Taylor Hobson engraving machine. On the underside of the compass are ministry store reference numbers and a makers identification mark together with a broad arrow stamp. Every compass has been completely stripped down, replacing the worn out hinge system, fitting new gaskets and tritium night lights, checking the sapphire jewel which is the pivot point for the "mother of pearl" card, calibrating and finally hand polishing and lacquering
Most NCO's and Officers were issued with the MK111 prismatic compass during the Second World War. All compasses had to be returned after use; despite the temptation to keep them "Losing" your compass would incur a unit enquiry.
The Great Turning Point 1942
We only have a few original compasses in stock and are offering these fine examples of the soldiers faithful friend to commemorate, the first decisive battle which heralded the beginning of the end for Adolph Hitler. This battle was between "The Desert Fox" Field Marshall Rommel who led the elite Afrika Korps and the Italian forces. And the British Eighth Army commanded by the eccentric but gifted General named Sir Bernard Law Montgomery and General Sir Harold Alexander who proved to be a brilliant strategist and a first class administrator who assumed the post of Commander in the Middle East. Rommels offensive started at El Alamein in August 31, 1942. He broke off the fighting on September 3 and went over to the defensive. On October 23 at 2140 hrs Montgomery launched a battle at El Alamein. Rommel was unable to hold his position as the Eighth Army had too many guns, tanks, and planes. (Many of the two latter supplied by the Americans). Although the German/Italian lines still held and even counter attacked Rommel realised his situation was hopeless. The RAF had complete command of the skies and were pounding his troops and armour and remaining supply dumps mercilessly .On November 2 Montgomery's infantry and armour broke through the Southern Sector of the front and began to overrun the Italian Divisions. That evening Rommel radioed Hitler, in East Prussia two thousand miles away that he could no longer hold out and intended to withdraw whilst there was still an opportunity, to the Fuka position forty miles to the West.
On February 11, 1943 Winston Churchill read in the "House" an official communication from General Alexander:" Sir: Orders you gave me on August 15, 1942, have been fulfilled. His Majesty's enemies, together with their impediments, have been eliminated from Egypt, Cyrenaica, Libya and Tripolitania. I now await your further instructions."Many soldiers used the MK111 Prismatic Compass during this campaign as it had pinpoint accuracy and was totally reliable.
A Pedigree dating back to Victoria's Empire. Patented by the noted military surveyor, Captain Verner and first used by gentleman officers during the Boer War, the prismatic compass has been standard issue throughout most of the twentieth century, and still continues in a modern version to day. Indeed prismatic compasses were issued to Nato Forces in Afghanistan. So reliable its guaranteed for a lifetime*
We are so confident in the quality and reliability of the MK111 Prismatic Compass that we are prepared to issue a lifetime guarantee on workmanship and major parts*, subject only to regular four year servicing. Considering these compasses are originals the price is substantially lower than you might expect….. Even when compared with purely functional modern compasses.
The MK111 Prismatic Compass is despatched complete with a copy of detailed operating instructions obtained from a War Office Publication, a certificate of Authenticity together with optional high quality leather carrying case with belt fastening facility and an engraved Brass Bound Presentation Case.