Friday, October 31, 2008


Retrofracti fructus 35%
Zingeberis zerumbeti rhizome 20%
Curcumae rhizome 15%
Cumcumae aeruginosae rhizome 5%
Kaempferiae rhizome 5%
Others up to 100%

Pilkita is a well-known and commercial jamu in tablet form used by many especially athletes and people who have to work hard all day.
Increase stamina and overall energy for men and women of all ages.

In addition, cures muscle stiffness, backaches and improves apptite and sense of well-being.
1 sachet contains 2 tablets (700 mg)
Usage: take 1-2 tablets at night to feel fresh and energetic in the morning or 2 tablets every 2 nights.

Health department registration: TR851503031

nota: pil ini masa kedet amat popular hinggalah kekursus pegawai muda stpm. aku teringat pil ini setelah diberitahu namanya oleh raja ikram tempoh hari. kalau beliau tak bagitau mungkin pil ini tenggelam dalam lipatan sejarah. jadi sapa-sapa nak cuba acu try test balik bolehlah tapi atas tanggungan sendiri samada berkesan macam dulu atau sebaliknya atau kesan lainnya.

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